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Mt Clement Gold Project, Western Australia

The Mt Clement Gold Project is located approximately 170 kilometres due west of Paraburdoo in Western Australia and approximately 60 kilometres south of the Paulsen’s Gold Mine. The project area surrounds the Mt Clement Gold Prospect and Eastern Hills Prospect. The Mt Clement Gold Project area has several known precious and base metal prospects present and is prospective for high grade structural gold and sediment hosted gold and base metal mineralisation.

The Mount Clement Gold Project comprises EL applications E08/2844 and E08/2848 located approximately 170km due west of Paraburdoo, Western Australia. Access to the Project area is via the Nanutarra – Paraburdoo sealed highway, then on station tracks.

The applications surround the Mt Clement Gold-Silver Deposit and Nearby Eastern Hill Antimony Prospect (both located on excised mining leases held by a third party). The Project lies within the Ashburton Formation, part of the Wyloo Group. The formation consists of turbiditic sediments intruded by north to northeast trending dolerite dykes.

Previous Work

In 1994, Taipan Resources NL (“Taipan”) acquired the project. Taipan completed exploration over both the Mt Clement Gold/Silver Prospect areas, and the Eastern Hills Antimony/Lead Prospect areas. Exploration on the Mt Clement Gold Project consisted of soil sampling and rock chip sampling, and the drilling of 7 RC drillholes for a total of 624m and a further 22 RAB drillholes designed to test for strike extensions to the northern breccia zone.

At Eastern Hills Antimony/Lead Prospect, Taipan completed geological mapping and geochemical sampling over a thin gossanous outcrop over a strike length of approximately 800m. This was followed by a ground Electro Magnetic survey and 22 RC drillholes covering a broader area, completed over two programs.

Precious metal mineralisation in the district is generally concentrated within fault-related breccia zones containing iron-rich material, however mineralisation is known to be present directly in the sedimentary sequences. Gold and silver mineralisation is generally associated with arsenopyrite and pyrite below weathering.

Upon Grant, the Company plans to take a regional targeting approach to exploration as well as explore for extensions to the known prospects and mineralised systems in the excised Mining Leases within the application boundaries.